21 Athletes.
20 Laps.
1 Eliminator.
2015 Eliminator Photos.

Preparing for a kick. Who's going to get things started?

College Teammates about to fight it out for the Eliminator title.

18 men fighting for glory

The front crew seem pretty relaxed. Confident they will survive to race at least one more lap.

Choices, choices. 1) Just go for the win 2) Look around and make sure you're safe 3) Run like mad

No time for play. All business.

the Eliminator brings out the competitiveness in all of us.
2013 Eliminator Photos.
Above pictures courtesy Teddy Foote and Deanna Ducher

Our friend Teddy Foote and Runner-Up Ian Daugherty


"Another one, already? Seriously!?"

Coach Bill Lundberg treating the kids to a ride.

You don't know? Neither do the runners. Remember, to win... don't be last.

You just won a prize...and survived one more lap.

Daugherty, Calvert, Nikkila, and Perrin...all business.

Epic battle! Shoulder to shoulder to determine the Eliminator. Doesn't get any better than this.

2013 Champs. Elyse Lisznyai and Michael Nikkila

What a tough group.

Our favorite prize...a sticker reminding you that you lost.

2013 Eliminator Champ, Michael Nikkila, enjoys a conversation with 2008 Olympic 1500m Silver Medalist, Nick Willis, after seeing him cruise to a 3:56 mile.
By the way, his Adidas spikes... awesome.
Willis and The Running Institute put on a great event in Saline, MI on Aug 4, 2013. One of the Eliminator creators, Michael Nikkila, is enjoying a bit of Willis' post-race generosity.
Nikkila / Willis
Smiles All Around
Good luck at Worlds, Nick!